Flipping Fionna Agomuch's Character.AI: How to use this entertaining ChatGPT alternative into our Sign-of-the-Times magazine was fun because who hasn't wondered what it would be like to talk to Einstein or Socrates? The amazing thing about playing with Character.AI is receiving "in-character" answers. Here's an example of how Einstein and Socrates would answer, "What is network as a service?: Albert Einstein c.AI
Network as a service is a type of cloud service that provides an application infrastructure. It allows companies to purchase hardware and software resources as a service from a cloud provider. The main benefit of using a network as a service is that it gives businesses access to the latest technology quickly and easily. They can take advantage of the latest developments in communications and network technologies without having to pay for the infrastructure and maintenance. Socrates c.AI
A network, in its essence is merely a combination of devices that transmit (send) and receive information. So a network is nothing without the flow of information.
A service is defined as an “act of helpful activity”, without receiving any gain in return.
Based on these two definitions we can surmise a network as a service as a collection of devices that transmit and receive information. With the intention to help or serve others.
Web3 remains a mystery wrapped in an enigma, but How Web3 Founders Can Get the Most Out of an Accelerator Program has tips I would have liked reading before putting my company Curagami into an accelartor in Start Me Up.
Tati Vice is our first follower profile. Today, Tati's Flipboard has three magazines: Research Counter Culture, First Read, and Recipes. I made the mistake of looking at Recipes after skipping lunch, and I am so hungry I will make it an early day. Tati is an artist and photography lover, as am I. Thanks for the follow, Tati, and for giving me a great idea for dinner.