Blockchain has been a mystery wrapped in an enigma. I've always sensed its importance extended far beyond crypto, but couldn't figure out why. Flipping Par Chadha's The Value of Blockchain in the Technology into Start Me Up got me thinking. So I fired up ChatGPT to learn more about different blockchains (public, private, and federated) and wrote a post about why blockchain is likely to be in most of our customers' futures. I will flip my riff on Fast Company's article soon.
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Discover two flips about how Microsoft breathes new life into their old dogs with ChatGPT. First, Microsoft to Expand ChatGPT Access as OpenAI Investment Rumors Swirl from Reuters, and those rumors turned into a $10B loan/investment by MSFT. Here's How Microsoft Could Use ChatGPT from the MIT Tech Review is one of the most level-headed, if somewhat biased, forecasts for ChatGPT's practicality for the big M. Find these flips in Sign of the Times
Google's response to OpenAI's ChatGPT has been lackluster at best. Nevertheless, they have an excellent AI story to tell, so why haven't they been fighting the ChatGPT tsunami? Calling in founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to respond to the threat may mean the monster is awake and thinking again.
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@WoofPath's Flipboard is about adventure from their Places to Explore magazine to Overland Camping Woof rips it up. I love the Living Better with Less magazine because who has more these days? Answer: No one. Troy and Melissa are great caring people. They rescue dogs, I live with my brother Drew and his wife Sonja's four dogs (two rescues), so we're traveling similar paths.
Great story about adventure dog Lizzy Lou on