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Rescuing buildings from maintenance disasters, one QR code at a time!

Prop-Trax - Building Asset Sherpa

The Prop-Trax Challenge

Prop-Trax is designed to streamline building maintenance management by leveraging QR codes, smartphones, secure mobile applications, and cloud technology. This case study explores how Prop-Trax transforms how building owners and managers keep track of crucial warranty and maintenance records, leading to cost savings, enhanced protection, and increased profitability.

Building owners and managers face numerous challenges when it comes to maintaining their properties efficiently. One of the most significant challenges is the cumbersome task of managing warranty and maintenance records for various assets within the building and across a variable vendor network, from HVAC to roofing. Without a centralized system, important documents often get misplaced or overlooked, leading to missed deadlines, costly repairs, and potential legal issues.

Prop-Trax offers a comprehensive solution to address these challenges. By implementing QR codes on all crucial assets within your building, such as HVAC systems, elevators, and fire suppression systems, Prop-Trax enables easy access to relevant warranty and maintenance information using smartphones and dashboards. Building owners and managers can scan the QR code using the Prop-Trax application to instantly access important records stored securely in the cloud.

The implementation process begins with the placement of QR codes on all key assets within the building. Once the QR codes are in place, building owners and managers can download the Prop-Trax mobile application and register their properties. They can then begin scanning the QR codes to link assets to their digital records stored in the cloud. The intuitive dashboard provides a centralized view of all maintenance schedules, warranty expirations, and upcoming deadlines, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks


Prop-track is in invitation-only beta, but building owners and managers using the application have experienced a multitude of benefits:

  • Cost Savings
    Prop-Trax enables better vendor management through timely reminders for scheduled maintenance and warranty expirations. The system's algorithms and AI are always learning, helping building managers and owners fix minor problems before they become big ones. This proactive approach helps building owners negotiate better contracts and avoid costly repairs.

  • Enhanced Protection
    By ensuring that crucial maintenance tasks get completed on time and warranties are not allowed to expire unnoticed, Prop-Trax helps mitigate the risk of equipment failures and unexpected breakdowns. This results in a safer and more reliable building environment for occupants, building owners, and managers.

  • Increased Profitability
    With reduced maintenance costs and minimized downtime, buildings managed with Prop-Trax become more profitable assets. Proactively managing warranties and maintenance schedules increase tenant satisfaction and retention, ultimately driving property values.

Prop-Trax is revolutionizing building maintenance management by providing an easy-to-use, seamless solution for tracking crucial warranty, maintenance records, and equipment. Through integrating QR codes, smartphones, secure mobile applications, AI, algorithms, and cloud technology, Prop-Trax offers building owners and managers a platform to ensure that every aspect of their building's crucial assets is well-managed and easily accessible. With its proactive communication and proactive deadline management, Prop-Trax helps building owners and managers save costs, enhance protection, and increase profitability. Do you need a building, Sherpa?